Neighborhoods Served
Serving Leawood, Country Farms & Vintage Reserve.
The Leawood Metropolitan Recreation and Park District was formed in 1974. As a government entity authorized by state legislature, the District is governed by a Board of Directors, who are elected by property owners of the district. The District boundaries include all of the homes in the Leawood, Country Farms and Vintage Reserve Neighborhoods. 
The District owns and maintains four parks - Leawood, Raccoon Holler, Weaver and Kendall which total 36.8 acres, and what is know as "Tract T" northeast of the Vintage Reserve development. The parks contain two playgrounds, two pavilions, two baseball diamonds, two soccer fields, two tennis courts and one volleyball court. The District maintains the sidewalks, bridges, landscaping, trees, turf and natural areas. Development of these parks is funded through Colorado Lottery revenue, special grants from the Jefferson County Open Space Program, and tax revenues from District residents. The local revenues, which are used to maintain the parks, come from the property tax slightly less than 4 mils. Each home in Leawood pays about $50 per year for our parks.
The parks are governed by all ordinances of Jefferson County including ordinances requiring that all dogs be leashed.
Board Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month. If you have questions or comments about Leawood Parks, contact any Leawood Park Board or email us here.