Leawood Metropolitan Recreation and Park District 
Established in 1974
Serving the communities of Leawood, Country Farms, Vintage Reserve, South Jefferson & Western Arapahoe Counties
History of the District
The land (totaling 4.691 acres) that would later become Leawood Park was deeded to the Leawood Civic Association in 1972. At the July 10, 1973 meeting of the LCA, the members agreed to establish a recreation district. In December 1972, the LCA published the service plan for the organization of the Leawood Metropolitan Recreation District. After petitioning the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners, the Board approved the service plan of the Leawood Metropolitan Recreation and Park District on May 8,1974.
By February 1979, the land that would become Weaver (22 acres), Raccoon & Kendall Parks was deeded - through the developer of the County - to the District. In 1993, the District accepted the inclusion request of the Country Farms development. When, in November 2004, the District accepted the inclusion petition of the Vintage Reserve development, the total amount of parks reached nearly 40 acres. 
The District is organized under applicable sections of Title 32, Colorado Revised Statues and the Colorado Constitution. As such, it is operated by a board of five directors, each elected for two year terms. Elections are held in May of even-numbered years. The District's electors have made it exempt from certain provisions of the Constitution, including Article X, Section 20 (known as TABOR), and term limits.
The District's taxpayers pay a 3.73 mill levy for the operation of the district. Also, the district receives a share of the personal property taxes paid by its residents. For 2008, property tax revenues equaled $106,262.88, and personal property taxes were collected in the amount of $254.94.
As of 2008, the State Demographer estimated that the district comprised 2,516 individuals in 906 homes. This amount, however, does not reflect the full occupancy of the Vintage Reserve development (228 homes).
The district owns and maintains four parks - Leawood, Raccoon Holler, Weaver and Kendall with total 36.8, and what is known as "Tract T" northeast of the Vintage Reserve Development. The parks contain two playgrounds, two pavilions, two baseball diamonds, two soccer fields, two tennis courts and one volleyball court. The district maintains the sidewalks, bridges, landscaping, trees, turf and natural areas.
Recent Projects
The district has completed numerous projects over the recent year, some of them are listed here:
  • Renovation and restoration of the xeriscape garden at Raccoon Park
  • Removal of the baseball backstop at Raccoon Park
  • Safety pruning of all Raccoon Park trees
  • Planting of trees in Weaver and Raccoon Parks
  • Installation of a new walk and landscape in Weaver Park
  • Repair of all concrete walks in Weaver Park
  • Refurbished playground equipment at Leawood and Weaver Parks
  • Bridge to Tract T (Vintage Reserve)
  • New Signage in all parks
Board Members
We hope you enjoy the parks, and please contact any board member with questions you may have!
Leawood Metropolitan Recreation and Park District Board Members
President                               Steve Wall          720-290-6474
Vice President/Secretary         Debbie Baker      303-903-3216
Special Projects                      Ike Nelson         303- 730-3157
Treasurer                               Donna Snyder    303-794-0952
Special Projects                      Wade Hancey     303-794-0497 
Parks Manager                        Dave Padilla       303-870-3482
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 630pm.